Nwokwu Tochukwu Christian
Alignment with alignment guides automatically aligns pictures, charts and images with the text. The new discoverable layout options in Word 2013 make wrapping text easier to use. Most of the users are familiar with earlier versions of Word. The new versions are made to make work much easier and faster. However, the users are not aware of the advantages of the newest versions which are much convenient and compatible with the day to day work that we are involved with. Therefore understanding and being up to date with the new versions are essential for effective work performance. The assignment focuses on the special and unknown features of the Word 2013 to make the user aware of its advantages. In this we focused at main fifteen (15) special and unknown features that are useful for the user to carry out work effectively. The blog in MS Word 2013 provides a platform in creation of blogs in simple manner, even without having a vast knowledge. Also, it facilitates step by steps to user to complete the task without any hassle. Digital signature in advance mood facilitates to share the information in more secured Environment among the users. Also, macro in Word 2013 is advanced than earlier versions and while providing user Friendly environment. “Insert online Video” is a new feature in Word 2013 and we can create more interactive documents and watch an inserted online video without even leaving the document. Further Word 2013 has some image editing features that can create some nice images. Generally, we need some type of Reader like Adobe Reader to look at the PDF Read-only files. But in Office 2013 we can use Word to save in PDF format and open up PDF files, even make changes to those files and save them. Out of these features, One Drive provides the free storage facility online (Cloud) which act as a personal online hard drive. Collapse and expand feature especially helpful to work with long and complicated documents as it provides an outline of the document. Also the new feature of “present a document online” provides the accessibility to documents for remote users even without having word. Track changes feature is important to do suggested changes to the document.
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